Victoire de Jens Krogell (JPK 1030 “AlmaVida”) sur la Round Bengtskär Race en Finlande

” This weekend I sailed solo a 160nm Round Bengtskär race, and finished first in solo and also overall, before all full crewed boats and also the boat that won Around Gotland 🙂
So thank you for a great boat ! “

Jens Krogell

Bravo Jens !

Jens Krogell est venu chercher son JPK 1030 à Larmor-Plage il y a 2 mois et après un convoyage musclé a enchainé ses 1eres régates avec succès.

La dernière en date, la “Round Bengtskär” est une grande classique en Finlande et Jens vient de la remporter en solo mais également sur le classement overall ce qui n’était jamais arrivé !

Bravo Jens pour cette magnifique saison.


Récit de la course par Jens :

“The annual 160nm Round Bengtskär race in Finland was sailed during the last weekend in July, this time the JPK 10.30 AlmaVida sailed solo by Jens Krogell. Results could not have been better with a first place in solo, but also overall against fully crewed and double handed boats. Competition included the well raced XP-44 Xtra Staerk, who had just won Scandiavia’s largest offshore race, the 350nm Round Gotland in Sweden with full crew.

The race started upwind in 20-25kts and big seas with full main and the J3. After a messy start, the boat got into its pace and performed superbly upwind, much faster and pointing higher than all other 30-foot boats and even matching and outperforming some 40-foot fully crewed boats. After the first two hours the wind dropped to 16-20 knots for the night so the J3 was changed to J2. The upwind continued the whole night in the middle of the gulf of Finland towards west. When the sun came up it was only 4 miles to the leading boat Xtra Staerk who had taken a more inshore route, this meant that the position also overall was most likely quite good. In the morning the wind died, but the old swell made things painful for 2 hours. AlmaVida was searching for wind with the Code0 in any direction and finally found some, but Xtra Staerk had doubled its lead by then. Luckily the other boats did not escape, but found wind only later. When the wind came slowly back at 4-8knots, it was time for the A1.5 at TWA 90-130, rounding of the Bengtskar lighthouse, then the A3 for 10 miles at TWA 100 and finally switching to the A2, ending up with a nice 60nm downwind run in 16-18 kts of wind and finishing just before midnight after 29 hours of sailing. In overall results AlmaVida won the second placed Xtra Staerk by only 6 minutes.”

Jens Krogell

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